At Atlantic Consultants we remain committed to providing the highest levels of service and support to our Clients. However, the current COVID-19 Pandemic retrictions have required us to make some changes in the way we do this. These new COVID-19 support arrangements are detailed below:
Training Courses
We have suspended all face-to-face training courses.
In their place we offer tutor-led remote courses. These have the same content as our face-to-face courses but are delivered remotely via Skype or Microsoft Teams.
In addition to our in-house courses for organisations, we are also planning to run public courses. These offer a cost-effective method to provide training to a small number of individuals in an organisation.
Certification Audits
All certification bodies have moved to undertaking audits remotely via Skype, Microsoft Teams or similar. We will continue support our Clients through these audits by:
- Liaising with our Clients and certification body beforehand to ensure the most appropriate arrangements have been made.
- Assisting with the preparation of documentation and data for the remote audit.
- Being on the conference call throughout the audit.
If you have any questions regarding remote auditing, please contact us.
Internal Audits
Clients with internal audits due will be offered 2 options:
- To postpone the internal audit until circumstances change.
- To undertake the audit remotely, in a similar manner to certification bodies (see above).
We will contact each Client to discuss the option to be adopted, based upon their own particular circumstances.
Meetings (including management review meetings)
We plan to make extensive use of Microsoft Teams, Skype and other tele-conferencing and collaborative working tools to continue to offer a “business as normal” service as far as possible. As the need for meetings arises we will discuss with each Client the best method of communication to use.
We are completely supportive of the measures put in place by the government. However, the COVID-19 pandemic will have a profound and lasting effect on how we conduct business, both now and in the future. We will continue to work with our Clients in a flexible and adaptive manner so that we can all come through these difficult times and resume “business as normal” in the not too distant future. In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding our COVID-19 support arrangements, please contact us.